The model is the lovely Miss Morbi1d / redrum from tumblr. --> morb1d.tumblr.com/
Go check out her blog, she is amazing!
I'm ElectronicRainbow, a 30 year old digital artist from Germany. My main interest besides art is literature, especially medieval literature and art.
I enjoy fantasy novels, horror movies, Arthurian legends, fairytales, makeup, computer games (Assassin's Creed <3), everything cute, sweet and kitschy.
Candy, cupcakes & Hello Kitty make me happy - and so do zombies, nurses, everything medical and gory.
Style-wise, I love everything concerning body modification, piercings, tattoos and so forth. Cyber Goth is neat to draw (but not for me to wear), and so is cute Lolita couture.